2 Following


australia-customer-service is a customer service phone number directory for Australia. You can get information about Company headquarter, phone, email & 1800 number.


You can contact Qantas customer support by calling 131313 number directly or call Qantas customer care at the phone number 022 6111 1818 from abroad. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, You can contact during 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


You can call Qantas customer service number and generally discuss for following topics

  • Flight bookings
  • Inquiries for Frequent Flyer members
  • Refunds
  • Lost, damaged or delayed baggage
  • Making a new booking
  • Lost property
  • Technical support


Qantas Australia Contact/Phone Numbers

Qantas customer service 13 13 13
Qantas lost, late or damaged baggage 1300 306 980
Qantas bookings 022 6111 1818
Arrivals and departures Enquiries 13 13 23
Qantas Frequent Flyer membership 13 11 31
Qantas Deaf passengers Support 133 677
Qantas Investors Support 1800 177 747
Qantas Corporate Office & Headquarter (02) 9691 3636


Head Office Contact Number


Corporate Head office address of Qantas Australia.

Qantas Airways, 10 Bourke Rd,
Mascot, NSW, 2020, Australia
For any general inquiries, please contact Qantas head office number : Call (02) 9691 3636 in Australia or +61 2 9490 1857 from Outside Australia.


Call 1800 177 747 for Qantas Investors Support


If you are an investor and want information about investing in Qantas, shareholder information or share performance, call this Qantas contact number 1800 177 747 in Australia or +61 (2) 8280 7390 from outside of Australia. You can also email registry@qantas.com.



Source: http://au-customer-service.com/qantas-customer-service